Sunday, November 20, 2011


Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is not just a saying but a way of life.

If you have ever traveled to the Spencerport High School Pool and/or the Rush Henrietta High School Pool; you would have seen those letters painted proudly on the walls.  Coaches change and letters on the wall can be painted over, but the truth remains.  PMA has touched a lot of lives.

These three simple letters put together, form a powerful life lesson.  The concept of PMA was first given to me and my Fairmont State Swimming and Diving teammates by our coach Stephen P. Mahaney.  It was painted boldly in large maroon letters on the wall of the Feaster Center Pool.  

When we take PMA to heart and use it as a part of our swimming or day to day life, its power increases exponentially.  Being positive is something that most people have a hard time doing.  Inevitably, problems arise and life may get us down.  Sometimes it may seem easier to accept or allow negative thoughts, rather than choose  to look for the positive in challenging situations.  “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."  It may be an annoying cliche,  but it can also motivate you to continue working towards your goals. Remember, goals were meant to be challenging.  It is when we overcome obstacles and challenges that we begin to realize our strength and potential.  A Positive Mental Attitude allows us to see a challenge as just another hurdle which we need to surpass in order to get closer to our goal.  Embracing PMA means that regardless of what happens; a bad race, a bad test, an argument with a brother or sister, we can overcome and move forward.

In the pool, having a Positive Mental Attitude will mean that no matter what set you have to do in practice, regardless of how you feel, you can dig deep into PMA and conquer the challenge.  No matter how often you feel beat down, you have something that can help you get up, dust yourself off, and get back to moving towards your goals.  The positive spirit that PMA brings can work wonders.  While I was coaching at Genesee Community College I was able to see PMA’s effects on one of my distance swimmers, Eric Wixon.  Working hard, staying positive, and never giving up helped Eric drop 6 minutes in the 1650 over the course of 2 seasons. 6 MINUTES! Truly incredible! 

How you use PMA can be as little as smiling or as big as getting your mind back on track after a bad race.  You realize that there is more to do. You don't give up on your goals just because you were met with a challenge.  You embrace the challenge and realize that you will walk away stronger. I have had alumni from all my teams tell me that  PMA has helped them later in life with their jobs and life in general.  They have experienced its powerful effects and passed it on.  I even know of one classroom where it is displayed on a daily basis for young minds to see and use as a great life lesson. 

PMA: Learn it. Experience it. Live it.   Thanks Coach Mahaney for this great gift that I will continue to share as long as I live and breathe.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Coach Scott

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