Saturday, March 17, 2012


Every swim today told a story.  In the book of a swimmer's career not every chapter is a fast or glorious one.  Some chapters are of hard work and times missed.  That was 2 of my incredible young ladies today.

I really cannot pick 1 swim that was my favorite because this team has nailed this taper.  When you have 4 guys in the 13 and 14 200 Freestyle Consol/Finals and ALL of them step up and shatter their best times they set in the morning it is a good day.  When an 8 year old girl swim the PERFECT race and drops 9 seconds in the 100 free is it a good day.

When 4 special girls come together as 1 perfect 200 Medley Relay and go is good.  Plus I am now out 4 $20 Dunkin Donuts Gift cards...yes I still make wagers...

Watching the smile on a 10 year old boys face when he sees a best time...Priceless.

By the way...we still have a FULL day tomorrow!


Coach Scott

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