Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Great First Day!!!

Here we are for Week 1 of CAL U Swim Camp.  A great group of swimmers and an excited staff of coaches came together for a very productive first day.

Streamline and Ready position were the focus of the pool session.  I really try to give the swimmers a "True" and "Real" explanation as to what we need them to do and how we want to do things. That way they know exactly what we need them to do and how we want them to do it.  The better the staff can explain things even if it is said a couple of different ways the essence is there.

There were a lot of smiles and a lot of fun in the pool tonight.

The camp came together for an interesting team building exercise to finish off the day.
The group was introduced to Massively Multiplayer thumb wrestling.  A lot of fun for all.

Tomorrow Coach Nikki starts the day with Early Morning practice.

Freestyle will be our focus on Day 2.

Good Night from Cal U.

Coach Scott

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see they are having fun. Missing my boy already. I am sure dylan carpenter was the ring leader for the thumb wrestling. Lol. Learn alot .
