Sunday, July 22, 2012


Week after week we as coaches start each week with enthusiasm and energy.  By the end of the week we are still at that intense level.  We have to be to provide the level of experience the swimmers deserve.

And when the last camper is gone, here at Hartwick we have about 22 hours to rest and recharge before the next week begins.  So our downtime is precious.  Last night Coach Dale allowed me to spend the night at his cottage on Goodyear Lake.  To say that it is incredible is an understatement.  I used the time to read and relax.  I also cooked myself dinner.  There is nothing like a grilled steak with a lobster tail, fresh cooked corn and grilled Zucchini.  Fresh raspberries for desert and I was in bed.

Breakfast at a local cafe and I was ready to go.  Our time is limited but essential to getting ready for the next group of campers who deserve and get our best every session and every day.

Coach Scott

 A great view...
A nice place to go for a swim...
Home for a night...
Dinner is served...

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