Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Freestyle and more Freestyle

Monday began a 2 day trip through the world of Freestyle.  I lead the discussion on Monday morning with a very thorough take of Freestyle and all of it's components.  We spent a lot of time on the "Power Triad" (the Entry, Roll, and Catch) that is critical in creating power.  The swimmers enjoyed the 3 session learning to think and take control of their Freestyle.  An afternoon Specialty Group gave the swimmers a new look at some old topics like Mental Training and Dryland Training.

The evening session was finished up with the beginning of Hartwick Swim Camp Survivor.  Challenging relays gave the swimmers a chance to have fun.

Tuesday has picked up right where we left off talking about Distance Per Stroke and Stroke Rate.

More Freestyle this afternoon before movie night featuring "We bought a Zoo".

Stay cool!
Coach Scott

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