Sunday, July 15, 2012

One camp ends and another begins

We wrapped up a very successful week of Hartwick Swim Camp yesterday with a fun swim meet and our end of camp awards.  In reality all of the campers were winners, taking with them a new attitude of Swimming Smart.  It was sad having them leave but exciting to think about their potential. 

Just about 23 hours later 67 new campers arrived and we will be kicking it off here in about 15 minutes.  There are a lot of "new" campers this week but whether they have been here before or not the fun they all will have is going to be "legendary".

Here are some of the award winners from week 1.

 Most Improved - Olivia

Counselors Award - Mallory
Coaches Award - Alida and Hanna

The first rain of camp has not dampened our we go!

Coach Scott

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